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focuses on the health and well-being of individuals who are planning to travel internationally or domestically.


The lismore clinic


Enjoy planning your overseas adventures but remember your health!  Do not forget to book your travel consultation. 

This covers not just about immunisations but includes malaria prevention, gastroenteritis treatment and prevention, altitude prophylaxis and advice to
minimise health risks in general overseas.

Please book a long consult to give us time to cover everything in depth.

Travel vaccines and immunisations

We offer a range of travel vaccines eg hepatitis A, B and typhoid and we are a yellow
fever accredited centre.

Please ensure you make an appointment well in advance of travel as some vaccines must
be given over a specific time frame of at least 1 month.

Travel Medicine

Different regions of the world pose various health risks. 

We provide personalised advice, including information on food and water safety, insect-borne diseases, altitude sickness, travel sickness and gastroenteritis treatment.

Other Immunisations

Speak to your GP to ensure your immunisations are up to date. 

We stock vaccines to help protect against:

Flu, Covid, Q fever,Shingles , Whooping cough, Tetanus and Hepatitis A and B.

Plus others and can happily organise boosters to anyone who has missed doses.

Routine Vaccinations

Vaccination is vital in protecting you by
boosting your immune response.  Also by
being vaccinated you contribute to the collective well-being of our community
by reducing the prevalence of diseases. 

Travel health

It's advisable for travelers to seek guidance well in advance of their planned departure date to allow time for necessary vaccinations and preparations.

Consulting with us is particularly important for those traveling to regions with specific health risks.

focuses on the health and well-being of individuals who are planning to travel internationally or domestically.